

Medicare |

“How do I know which coverage option is the right one for me? What are my choices? Patriot Insurance Services is here to help!”

Let us help you better understand your options when it comes to Medicare.

Down to the Basics

Original Medicare Parts A and B are the two parts that come from the Federal Government. Original Medicare has no prescription drug coverage, a large Part A deductible and Medicare Part B leaves you liable for 20% of anything. This will leave you looking for additional coverage. There are two main insurance options for Medicare coverage. You can choose between a Medicare Supplement or a Medicare Advantage Plan. We want to help you make the right decision that fits you.

What is Medicare?

Medicare is a fee-for-service health care program in which the government pays health care providers directly for services that fall under Parts A and B which is known as Original Medicare. This is available to seniors, people on social security disability, and the blind.

If you are in need of coverage that Original Medicare cannot provide, you can purchase a Medicare Supplement Plan, Part D Prescription Drug Plan or a Medicare Advantage Plan.

Let’s start out with, “When does your Medicare start?”

Your Medicare coverage will typically start the first day of the month you turn 65. Exceptions are if you receive disability before age 65, or you choose to delay your Medicare due to employer coverage.

Whenever you enroll in Medicare for the FIRST time, you will have an Initial Medicare Enrollment Period, as illustrated below. The easiest way to enroll in Medicare is online by creating an account on

Medicare is often shown in four categories. This allows you to customize your personal coverage when shopping for a comprehensive policy.

Not ready to talk just yet? The below links allow you to view and compare your local plans for whichever insurance plan best fits you!

Medicare Plan Finder

The easiest way to work with a local independent Medicare Broker is to call, text or fill out the contact form so we can set an appointment at your convenience.

We make all our recommendations based off your needs and wants, so you get the coverage that is best for you. We will continue to maintain this relationship from year to year.

As you change and the plans change, we can adjust your coverage annually to make sure your needs are still being met.


Social Security Planning